Custom made font - spacing between letters

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Custom made font - spacing between letters

Postby failbar » Thu Jan 19, 2017 7:20 am

I've made a font (ttf) using inskcape. Letters look fine, but the Space between letters are huge!
I dont know how to change the spacing between letters.
"SVG font editor --> Global settings --> set Width" doesnt seem to be the answer, thou it appears to look like it in the preview picture?

When i Write in Word its like this: "H E L L O", but i want it to be like "HELLO"


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Re: Custom made font - spacing between letters

Postby theozh » Thu Jan 19, 2017 11:27 pm

So far, I haven't used the SVG Font Editor.
But there is a Tab "Kerning". As I understand, you can select two glyhps and "Add pair" to define the spacing between them with the slider at the bottom.
However, Inkscape 0.92 (both with Win7 and Win10) freezes and crashes when I am trying to do this.
Is this also the case with your system?
Win7/64, Inkscape 0.92.2

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Re: Custom made font - spacing between letters

Postby failbar » Fri Jan 20, 2017 2:48 am

if I use the kerning tab i have to change the kerning between all letter cominations? Lik A and A, A and B and C, A and D ........ Z - Z ?
I sitnk the "Set Width" option should be the solution (?) but I aint able to save the settings.... the custom is 1000-something, i need i too be around 550 - 600..
My computer havent crashed yet, at least... ;)


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Re: Custom made font - spacing between letters

Postby theozh » Fri Jan 20, 2017 4:01 am

While playing a little, I assume that "Set width" still might be the right parameter.
However, there is something not working properly (at least on my system).
Standard value of width is 1024 (whatever units). If I type in a new number, e.g. 500, and press and enter (nothing will happen with the preview text), but when I then press, e.g. "backspace" or another key, it seems the value is finally updated and the letters move closer together. Pretty strange...
Win7/64, Inkscape 0.92.2

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Re: Custom made font - spacing between letters

Postby Moini » Fri Jan 20, 2017 4:15 am

Maybe this will be interesting:
http://myscrappinginspiration.blogspot. ... ating.html

Ellen has written an extension for creating svg fonts with Inkscape (maybe built upon cleversomeday's, not sure here), and in the blog post, she describes in detail what you need to do to get the kerning right.
Something doesn't work? - Keeping an eye on the status bar can save you a lot of time!

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Re: Custom made font - spacing between letters

Postby cleversomeday » Fri Jan 20, 2017 4:30 am

I was never able to figure out the kerning issue. My suggestion is to import the font into FontForge and do your kerning there.

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