Recommended graphics tablet for Lubuntu

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Recommended graphics tablet for Lubuntu

Postby cootcraig » Wed Dec 26, 2012 3:17 am

I'm just starting with Inkscape and expect my primary OS will be lubuntu. What are the recommended / favorite graphics tablets for Inkscape on Linux?

I could not find a FAQ on graphics tablets, if there is one let me know.

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Re: Recommended graphics tablet for Lubuntu

Postby brynn » Wed Dec 26, 2012 11:36 am

Welcome to InkscapeForum!

I don't think any graphics tablet is better than another, as far as Inkscape is concerned. The developers do seem to keep Inkscape compatible with tablets these days. It seems to me that they place more importance on graphics tablets, then printers! I think all tablets work with Inkscape, but the same cannot be said of printers.

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Re: Recommended graphics tablet for Lubuntu

Postby Ailurus » Thu Dec 27, 2012 12:29 am

I'm using Arch Linux with XFCE, and my simple Bamboo tablet works just fine :)

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Re: Recommended graphics tablet for Lubuntu

Postby Jelle » Thu Dec 27, 2012 2:44 am

Any graphics tablet that works on Linux should work in Inkscape. It's just an input device that is handled by the OS. Inkscape has little to do with that. Only when it comes to pressure sensitiveness it has to be supported by Inkscape, which it does. I had good experience using a Wacom Bamboo and on my IBM x41T (which also uses Wacom technology). You had to tell Inkscape you're using a graphics tablet in 0.46, but I never had to on my X41T running 0.48 2.

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