automating inkscape

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automating inkscape

Postby neonic » Tue Jul 13, 2010 4:21 am

Hello, I have a linux pc and a set of svg pictures I've made in inkscape. Each file contains some characters and a background. Both are on seperate layers.

Suppose I want to make the same change to all of these files. For instance: I wan't to makethe characters a little bigger, but leave the background as is.

I don't know any other solution to this than opening each svg file seperately and modifying them manually.

I've looked at the scripts-section of the inkscape website, but it appeared that scripts have to be called from within inkscape. So that doesn't seem a good way to edit multiple files at once.

Is there a way to automatically make inkscape modify all these files with just one unix command?

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Re: automating inkscape

Postby brynn » Fri Jul 30, 2010 4:56 am

I don't know, but I want to bump up your topic, and give it another chance. It seems to me that someone must know the answer, even if it's "no". (I'm guessing the answer is no :()

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Re: automating inkscape

Postby RobA » Tue Aug 03, 2010 11:44 pm

If you are in unix, just use awk or sed to modify the raw svg files (they are just text).

Without knowing the details

-Rob A>

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Re: automating inkscape

Postby yancyn » Mon Nov 05, 2012 7:21 pm

svg is just a text file. You can open in a notepad or whatever text editor direct modify the source if you understand it. For example, if you want to modify the text in your file assuming you are not convert into path otherwise the only way can modify is through Inskcape the tool itself. I don't think path value can interpreted by human eyes. Please look at the <text> syntax in the file and modify the character inside directly. You can write a simple script to do that you want or looking TextWriter in .NET. Or maybe you can try use notepad++ to replace old text to new text value with correct regular expression.

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