An HTTP link can be created through Inkscape as follows:
1. Right click on a graphic,
2. Select the contextual menu item "Create Link...",
3. Right click again on the same graphic,
4. Select the contextual menu item "Link Properties",
5. Type in the field "Href" a URL such as http://www.inkscape.org ,
6. Close the dialog "Link Properties".
When the document is saved as an SVG file (through Inkscape)
and opened through a WEB browser (supporting SVGs),
then the HTTP link works correctly.
But when the document is saved as a PDF file (through Inkscape)
and opened through a PDF reader (such as Acrobat Reader),
then the HTTP link does NOT work at all !
Does anybody know how to solve this issue ?
Thank you very much for your help.
How to keep HTTP links in PDF files ?
Re: How to keep HTTP links in PDF files ?
JFTR (others might have the same question) - Bug Report “HTTP links lost when document saved as PDF”
theAdib wrote:We use cairo library to export to pdf http://cairographics.org.
In cairo links in documents are not supported at the moment. It is on the plan for the next release cycle http://cairographics.org/roadmap/.
Re: How to keep HTTP links in PDF files ?
My workaround:
Create the links in Inkscape
Save as SVG, open in Chrome
Change margins to none
print as PDF
Create the links in Inkscape
Save as SVG, open in Chrome
Change margins to none
print as PDF