Bucic wrote:I often do as follows:
- have a group of horiz. lines
- move the first one where I want to be the start of those distributed lines
- move the second one where I want to be the end of it
- set Align and distribute - ... equidistantly
How do I make sure that all the lines will be crisp and clear when exported to bitmap?
Even more complicated case - with texts as they "snap-point" is at some weird place outside the text boundary.
Here's another example
http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b68/B ... ark_bu.png (see attachment for svg). Any hints on improving the clearness of the image (especially the embedded bitmap)? Can it still be solved by snapping to pixel grid? i.e. what should be the right workflow you mention?
The quote comes from the topic about the PixelSnap extension but first - no one replies and second - I need to learn the basics behind sharp bitmaps squeezed from Inkscape.
I'll appreciate any help.