Using the ERASE tool in Inkscape

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Using the ERASE tool in Inkscape

Postby PapaSue » Sat Feb 27, 2010 9:27 am

I design files for "cutters" and being able to erase small parts of objects is important. There are lots of differences between those who want to design for the WEB and those who design for cutting pieces for craft projects. I developed this video to HELP. ... image.html


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Re: Using the ERASE tool in Inkscape

Postby brynn » Sun Feb 28, 2010 5:17 am

Thanks PapaSue, I'm sure that will be helpful for those using these cutting machines. I wanted to suggest that you might copy this message (yours not mine :P), and post it also in the Inkscape and Cutters forum. I'm just thinking that more people who use cutters will find this there (because people in search of solutions often don't take the time to search). But it's good to have it here as well, for those who do take the time to search.

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