SVG Web (Google JS Library) and Inkscape generated SVG

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SVG Web (Google JS Library) and Inkscape generated SVG

Postby Jelle » Wed May 25, 2011 11:38 pm

Hello guys,

When I try to use SVG generated by Inkscape in SVG Web (the Google JS library), it doesn't display. Now before I delve into this issue with my limited knowledge in this field, I was wondering if anyone might already know why it doesn't. If you have an educated guess for me, that might be helpful as well.

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Re: SVG Web (Google JS Library) and Inkscape generated SVG

Postby tomh » Wed Jun 01, 2011 12:44 am

Might be worth saving the svg as "plain svg" - if this works, then it is likely that svg web cannot cope with extra namespaces in the svg file.

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Re: SVG Web (Google JS Library) and Inkscape generated SVG

Postby Jelle » Fri Jun 10, 2011 10:47 am

It is saved as plain SVG. I tend to always use that for better compatibility across browsers. Still haven't figured it out though, was a bit busy with other stuff. Ideally I wouldn't have to use a thing like SVG web, but working for Chinese viewers that largely are running XP and MSIE6 sure makes SVG Web an interesting method.

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Re: SVG Web (Google JS Library) and Inkscape generated SVG

Postby chriswww » Mon Jun 20, 2011 2:06 pm

using svgweb successfully on a intranet mediawiki. It has its' limitations but it does indeed show our diagrams in ie6.
if you followeb the svgweb installation, you have to make sure .htc extension works (flash internals)...anyhow, make sure to follow those (google svgweb project) instructions and that you can open the built-in test files...before playing with own svg files.

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