A quick question about node handles.

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A quick question about node handles.

Postby Insomniac » Sun Jan 24, 2010 6:37 am

Is there any way to delete node handles without deleting the actual node itself?

Case in point every time I convert a node into a curve it has two curves on each side. Is there a way that I can modify a pre-existing node to have a node with only one node handle? Meaning having a straight line going horizontal then suddenly it makes a curve (one node handle curve) and abruptly continues horizonrtal without having a second part?

Likewise is there a way to do this first time through without having to make line, then curve, then press enter, then continue with the path?

I notice that unless you do this every curve has to have two parts to it.

Please and thank you for those who help!
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Re: A quick question about node handles.

Postby brynn » Sun Jan 24, 2010 1:12 pm

I can answer your 1st question, and hopefully that will enable you to answer the other one. Because I don't understand your 2nd question.

First, if you hover your mouse over the tiny circle at the end of the handle (so that it glows red), hold the Control key, and click, it will retract that handle. You can pull it out again using Shift + drag.

It sounds like you may be drawing with the Pen or Bezier tool? If so, I don't think there is a way to pre-define that a cetain kind of node be used. In my experience, that tool always produces corner or cusp nodes with no handles. So maybe that's not what you're using? I'm just not sure.

But is that what you want, some way to pre-define the kind of node you're about to make?

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Re: A quick question about node handles.

Postby Insomniac » Thu Mar 11, 2010 10:08 am

oh - I thought I replied to this - thanks for info lol late reply :0

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