Python version

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Python version

Postby iconberg » Tue Feb 10, 2015 8:46 pm

I just wonder why python 3 is not included in inkscape 0.91.
Cause it just passes a file it should not be a big deal to update to an actuall version of python, afaik.

I make a quick test and just pass the file from the inkscape python to an extern python via subprocces. As expected it works.
Why not just include a python3 and get a tag in the inx-file that choose a python version, the can determine than if it should pass the file to python3.
So all python2 extensions can run and all new can be developed in python3 and run too.


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Re: Python version

Postby iconberg » Wed Jul 22, 2015 5:29 am

Is nobody out there finding this is a good way to force new and better extensions using python3 and tkinter gui?

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Re: Python version

Postby brynn » Wed Jul 22, 2015 6:02 am

Aah. Well this is primarily a user forum, where Inkscape users help each other learn Inkscape. Very few developers participate.

But I've seen comments on the development mailing list about this. I didn't pay attention, because I don't really understand much about coding or development (had to join the list to be able to help with website). You could search archives of the mailing list, and probably find the answer. There are archives here: ... cape-devel and ... 81808.html

Or maybe ~suv will see this - 1 of the few devs who post here, and who has been around lately (was probably busy helping to get 0.91 released last February) :D

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