Is there quality loss??? From .svg to .png to .jpeg ???

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Is there quality loss??? From .svg to .png to .jpeg ???

Postby Eyesintheskies » Sun May 26, 2013 12:39 pm

Battling away here in foreign territory! Trying to upload artwork to Bookemon who suggest loading it up in .jpeg instead of .png to try to improve the quality - the quality is very deteriorated once I've uploaded into Bookemon. I haven't found a way to export as a .jpeg from Inkscape. So I'm exporting as a .png then opening in Paint and saving again as a .jpeg. However the quality as a .jpeg is still poor when arriving at Bookemon.

Does saving a .png (former .svg) as a .jpeg generally cause any deterioration in the quality of the image? It all looks spot on at my end - lovely and clear and bright - then the image quality falls apart once it hits Bookemon and I'm baffled as to why this is happening. (Have exported at 200-300dpi as Bookemon advise but images hitting their end are still unusably poor quality. And after taking over 2-months to do the artwork of 40+ pages I'm trying to avoid doing everything all over again by initialising the replacement artwork at 200-300 dpi)


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Re: Is there quality loss??? From .svg to .png to .jpeg ???

Postby Lazur » Sun May 26, 2013 8:37 pm

Jpeg uses a compression which have a quality loss.
They suggest to use jpeg instead of png because the resulting image can be much smaller in size.
But, if you set the jpeg to be compressed with the minimal loss, you will end up in a bigger file size -bigger, than png could have with its lossless compression.
On paint you can't set the compression of the jpeg, so the quality will get lossy.
Use gimp instead, you can get better quality jpegs out of png-s there.
Again, with png, you will have to decide how you want it to be compressed.
It affects the file size.
The less the compression is, the bigger the result will be, the faster it can be rendered.

By the way many webpage use jpeg as default because it means they will need less space.
Thus, if they involve any scaling and creating a copy of your image,
it will look ugly from the lossy jpeg compression they use. -Like on facebook.

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Re: Is there quality loss??? From .svg to .png to .jpeg ???

Postby flamingolady » Mon May 27, 2013 8:07 am

To save from exporting, you can open the SVG directly in GIMP. Note: GIMP's latest version (that I have) now makes you export it to a jpg extension, where you used to be able to do a 'save as', that's taking a little getting used to...
GIMP has been my answer, even when I export the png, I open in GIMP, then export it to the jpg format. It works well. Evidently, if you open that jpg too much and make changes, it will increase rasterization or the look, I can't speak to that, but, I sell on MS sites where I use GIMP for the jpeg, and it works well. GIMP also allows you to choose on a sliding scale, the quality of the jpg, sometimes I keep it at 90, and it's still really good.

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Re: Is there quality loss??? From .svg to .png to .jpeg ???

Postby Eyesintheskies » Mon May 27, 2013 9:09 pm

Thanks Lazur URH and flamingolady! I had a go at importing from inside GIMP but only part of my background turned up. Need some fine-tuning there - ie: practice!

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Re: Is there quality loss??? From .svg to .png to .jpeg ???

Postby Lazur » Mon May 27, 2013 9:33 pm

Don't use the save as png in inkscape, use the export to png instead.
There you set the right dimensions of your image.
Then, with gimp, open the png, and export it to jpeg.
With the using of the raster image instead the svg, all things should turn up.
That means, you see on the jpeg everything that was on the png.
Does that have all the things?
Or you ran into some rendering issue with the export to png function in inkscape?

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Re: Is there quality loss??? From .svg to .png to .jpeg ???

Postby flamingolady » Tue May 28, 2013 1:40 am

Am trying to figure out what you could have done so that only part of the background is showing, hmmm. Like Lazur said, be sure you DON'T use 'save as png'.
Oh, here's what could have happened, you may have had part of your design selected, and then the default menu gets set to the 'selection' tab, so only the part of your design that was selected gets exported. Here's what you do - ensure your entire design is NOT selected (yes, I know that sounds strange to newbies). Then click on file, export, and ensure the tab is set to 'PAGE', that way your entire design gets exported. That's the only thing I can think of.

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Re: Is there quality loss??? From .svg to .png to .jpeg ???

Postby Eyesintheskies » Sat Jun 01, 2013 1:13 pm

Success! I now have the Inkscape image exporting as a .png with all info appearing in the export. I achieved this by altering the file size from roughly original size @ 3962 x 2911 to 1357 x 1042, and then exporting.

The original size came about during the process of teaching myself Inkscape and getting very stuck, then using a couple of youtube tutorials to begin filling in the gaps. In one of the first tuts I watched size seemed to have no relevance, in fact it was suggested turning off the A4 box all together from the new blank canvass. So I did exactly that. And I proceeded to begin drawing in a random-fashion in terms of size. I based every other drawing on the same premise. Now I know better. Initial size is critical. So that's why all my figures in posts have been so extremely large. I had no idea at the time what those sizes meant until reading reply posts.

So thank you everyone who replied - it's been of massive help to me, I'd still be lost in the dark without all your replies and kind help.

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Re: Is there quality loss??? From .svg to .png to .jpeg ???

Postby SUMATORIO » Sat Jun 22, 2013 1:24 am

Hi: I,ve made an illustration with text and objets saved to svg file and then export to png file.

I printed the png file without change the size in hight quality resolution printer and the result it´s the objets with a bit blur.

Whats the problem?
Thanks in advance.



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Re: Is there quality loss??? From .svg to .png to .jpeg ???

Postby Lazur » Sun Jun 23, 2013 11:17 am

Hello there,
it's much better keeping vectors as vectors for the printing.
Save as pdf, and print them instead of png-s.
When you export an svg to png, it will get anti-aliased, which can result in blurred images at lower resolutions.

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Re: Is there quality loss??? From .svg to .png to .jpeg ???

Postby Eyesintheskies » Thu Jun 27, 2013 9:20 pm

Still learning about pdfs - learning about maintaining quality and getting rid of the unwanted white border that appears on the finished pdf.

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Re: Is there quality loss??? From .svg to .png to .jpeg ???

Postby SUMATORIO » Thu Apr 24, 2014 12:41 am

I'm very surprised with the png format of the output of Inkscape. The advantage of svg opposite the raster format it's the quality.
The svg format it's very good for web pages and other programs.
The png has advantage in front the other formats because of the possibility of the transparency. But the output of the Inkscape in png format it's very bad quality with blur . If we use the pdf format loose the advantage of the transparency besides the size.
What's the problem with png format?

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Re: Is there quality loss??? From .svg to .png to .jpeg ???

Postby SUMATORIO » Wed Apr 30, 2014 2:59 am

Hi there:

I tried to solve the problem with output png from svg Inkscape. The ebook Inkscape: Guide to a Vector Drawing Program by Tavmjong Bah can save the svg to other raster format. By default the output it's png format with many advantages: transparencies, free royalties, It utilizes lossless compression, meaning no image data is lost when saving or viewing the image. It is a universal format that is recognized by the World Wide Web consortium, and supported by modern web browsers.

There is quality loss if the resolution, by default, it's 90 ppp in many cases.

The solution it's increase the resolution to 200 ppp or 300 ppp for example. This change in resolution, increase the image size (width x Height). After to change, the dimensions in the new file png it's bigger that the original dimensions. Then change to the meseasures that you want. Try and check it. It's not necesary save as pdf or another format to have a file png with high quality.

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Re: Is there quality loss??? From .svg to .png to .jpeg ???

Postby Lazur » Wed Apr 30, 2014 5:05 am


It's a bit mixed up.
Quality file is not equal to large format file.
Png is "high quality" itself, no matter the size.
However, for large format printing, you better try to keep vector elements as vectors.

So it depends on your needs. If you are designing a 16/16 pixel sized icon, no matter how large png you export to, as you would need to scale it down afterwards.

That blurring added is the result of anti-aliasing, which sadly doesn't have any settings in inkscape.
So it's not the file format, but how your design is pixel-fitted.

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