Blur Not Exporting Properly

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Blur Not Exporting Properly

Postby Phinehasfan » Sun May 04, 2008 2:44 pm

Whenever I use the Blur Tool (one of the options on the Fill & Stroke Menu) it shows up fine on Inkscape as an SVG, but whenever I export as a PNG (or whatever file type I choose) the blur either goes completely solid (hard-edged) or it completely disappears. I have made sure it is selected when I export, and it has happened every time I try to export.
I'm just wondering what's up with this...

btw I believe I'm using version .45

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Re: Blur Not Exporting Properly

Postby microUgly » Mon May 05, 2008 5:44 pm

Try upgrading to 0.46 and see if that helps. Blur should work fine in 0.45, however. Is it just the one file that is having a problem, or all SVG files you create?

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Re: Blur Not Exporting Properly

Postby aho » Tue May 06, 2008 1:58 am

There isn't anything necessarily wrong with the PNG itself. Did you also try different viewers (e.g. just dragging it into Firefox)?

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