Problem when opening a draw generated in SVG by QCad Prof

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Papy Octet
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Problem when opening a draw generated in SVG by QCad Prof

Postby Papy Octet » Sun Nov 22, 2009 2:03 am


I created a draw in QCad Prof 2.2. I save it once in dxf format and twice in the SVG format to be able to open the drawing in Inkscape.
The drawing, in QCad Prof have several layers where I distribute different parts of the drawing.

I load my drawing in Inkscape.
All the drawing is open on the "background" of the file that Inkscape open. No layer is created.
I want to replace parts of my drawing in they own layer. To do that, I create several layers and under-layers.
I select a part of my drawing (100 to 200 little elements) but I can't mothem to a layer via the "Layer" menu. I'm obliged to cut them , activate the layer I want to use and paste them.

That represent no problem in it self but where I have a problem it is the time used to move the part of my drawing to the layer : 20 to 40 min. ! To recreate my drawing whith the different parts in they own layers : 8 hours !
And when Inkscape is cutting and pasting the elements of my drawing, it use 100% of the first CPU and between 30 and 90% of the second CPU, and it use 100 % of the mémory of my computer !
It use "only" between 4 and 12% of the swap memory.

My file is a image SVG (image/svg+xml) and is 4,4 Mio (4633454 octets) big.
It contain +- 15000 objects ! :o

I have had several problems when importing dxf file created by AutoCad and aloso fils from QCad Prof. That's why I generate a SVG file from QCad Prof.
The file is OK but I lose all the layers.

Using XML editor in Inkscape is also very very long and unusable !
1 time on 15, I can Click and drag a element in the list of elements in the XML editor. The other times, the element I try to drag stay in his place in the hieararchy. I only can move it using the arrows but step by step ... and when the objet must be moved 2500 places further ... :evil:

My configuration :
I have 2 GiO ram, a swap partition of 2 GiO
Linux is :
Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic
Linux kernel 2.6.31-14-Generic
Gnome 2.28.1

CPU Dual core Genuine Intel CPU 2140 @ 1.60 GiHz.

Is this a bug ?
Do you have a solution ?

Thank's ;)

My first way to get some solution is to brake my drawing in 4 or 5 parts. In this case, it is possible but when it will not be possible ... what can I do ?
I'v tried to create a group with 4200 objets : 4 hours ! :cry:
But QCad Prof woks fine with so many objets ;) but I can't load dxf file into my Scribus docs that's why I have to convert my drawings in SVG format.

I have tried with parts of the drawing.
In a SVG file, I have 5092 objects.
I select 2042 objets and make au group.
Inkscape take 24 minits to do that ! That is 1.45 object manipulated/second !
It is not very fast ! I can say a little slowly, isn't it ? :roll:

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Re: Problem when opening a draw generated in SVG by QCad Prof

Postby brynn » Sat Nov 28, 2009 9:33 pm

Papy Octet,
Thank you for your very detailed and thorough report. I'm not sure why no one has replied, except maybe that none of our regular members use this program?

I doubt if I can really help, as I've never even heard of the program you're using. But I do want to ask a couple of questions. The file that you want to use in Inkscape, do I understand correctly that it is already an .SVG file? In one place in your message, you mention .DXF. Well, in either case, even if it's already .SVG, are you simply opening it in Inkscape?. Or are you using File menu > Import? If not, even if it's already .SVG, please try Importing from the File menu.

There is some kind of difference between "regular SVG" and "Inkscape SVG", which I don't really understand. But I have a feeling that using Import from the File menu, might enable you to sort of get around that difference. Although I am really only guessing.

Also, I wanted to encourage you to search at Launchpad, where bugs can be reported, and where developers read and respond to bug reports. Here's the link: Maybe someone has already reported your bug. But if not, you could go ahead and report it there. (Although please note that it isn't like a help forum, and you may not get a response for many months. But you can be assured that developers will read it.

Papy Octet
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Re: Problem when opening a draw generated in SVG by QCad Prof

Postby Papy Octet » Sat Nov 28, 2009 11:05 pm

brynn wrote:Papy Octet,
I doubt if I can really help, as I've never even heard of the program you're using. But I do want to ask a couple of questions.

1. The file that you want to use in Inkscape, do I understand correctly that it is already an .SVG file? In one place in your message, you mention .DXF. Well, in either case, even if it's already .SVG, are you simply opening it in Inkscape?. Or are you using File menu > Import? If not, even if it's already .SVG, please try Importing from the File menu.

There is some kind of difference between "regular SVG" and "Inkscape SVG", which I don't really understand. But I have a feeling that using Import from the File menu, might enable you to sort of get around that difference. Although I am really only guessing.

2. Also, I wanted to encourage you to search at Launchpad, where bugs can be reported, and where developers read and respond to bug reports. Here's the link: Maybe someone has already reported your bug. But if not, you could go ahead and report it there. (Although please note that it isn't like a help forum, and you may not get a response for many months. But you can be assured that developers will read it.

Dear brynn,
First, thank you for your answer.
I give answers tou your own questions :
1. The QCad Prof is a soft that creat .dxf files. Il also can export in .svg. In a first time, after my drawing in QCad, I save my work in dxf. After the problems I have had, I open QCad, load my dxf drawing and exprot it to a svg file in the goal to open it and work on it in Inkscape.
After several tests who don't work correctely, I try several experiences whith my drawing : cutting in littler parts, saving these parts as dxf and svg files. But the proble was always there.

After 1 week of deapointment, I install an update of Ubuntu whitch is prposed by synaptic ... and all the problems deappear :o !
Inkscape run very good :lol: !
In the update of Ubuntu, I don't have seen anything about Inkscape but the result is there : it OK now. And when I take back my first drawing, the biggest dxf file and I import it in Inkscape, I can work correctly in it. Why ? I don't know. :(
I try to open the svg file I make from my first dxf file : I can also work normally in it. Inkscape run perfectly. Why ? I don't know.

I have seen that if I use the command "Import" to get my svg file it is not the same thing that "Opening" the same file.
- In the first case, all the layers created in QCad (either in the dxf and the svg file) are maintained and they apprar in the manager f layers.
- In the second case, the layers created in QCad desappear but all the objects contained in a layer are attached in a "Group". So I can move the group to un layer I create Mysel in Inkscape.

I also have re-opend the files I have had problems ... but I can, now, work normally in them.
It maybe have had a bug in Ubuntu that have been resolved. I only have installed the updates of Ubuntu in my computer and nothing else.

2. I know launchpad but I prefer ask some questions before putting a post there. The mistake may be a bad use of the soft by my own.

So, thank you for your answer. The problem is now resolved automaticaly, only with updates from Ubuntu and Synaptic.
It fine.

:tool_text: I have an othe proble with the TTF fonts : Inkscape find them, present to me the list of the fonts but it can't use them. It replace them by a font by default. I continue to find if a answer about that trouble exist.


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Re: Problem when opening a draw generated in SVG by QCad Prof

Postby brynn » Wed Dec 02, 2009 5:33 am

Great! :D
I'm glad you got it working.

About the fonts, I'm not sure. But I do know that there are several topics about getting fonts to work properly. So I would suggest searching these forums. I'll bet that you can find the answers somewhere here. But if not, just post another reply, and we'll try and help.

Papy Octet
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Re: Problem when opening a draw generated in SVG by QCad Prof

Postby Papy Octet » Wed Dec 02, 2009 6:00 pm

I have juste installed the lasts updates in Ubuntu 9.10 and now, fonts work finely.
I have done nothing else but the problem has desappeared. And that is what I hoped.

Thank you for your help.

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