Constantly logging out

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Constantly logging out

Postby spaelti » Mon May 28, 2012 1:48 pm

Every time I try to post a reply or comment on this forum, the interface returns me to the login screen, saying I must first login. This happens even when the screen already registers me as logged in. What makes this particularly annoying is that after login I am returned to the board index, so I have to find my way back to whatever topic it was I was trying to comment on. Also this happens when clicking "submit" so of course the whole typed message is gone. :x :x :x

What's more is that the site is also constantly seems to log me out.

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Re: Constantly logging out

Postby brynn » Mon May 28, 2012 2:11 pm you have cookies enabled? That's happened to me before in other forums, when I forget to allow cookies for that site. The cookie is what keeps you logged in.

I'm not clear what's happening when you say the message is gone after you click Submit. When you click Submit, the message is posted to the forum. Can you say step by step what you do, and then what happens?

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Re: Constantly logging out

Postby spaelti » Mon May 28, 2012 5:21 pm

What I mean by "the message is gone", is that when I click "submit" the forum sends me to the login window, and then if I click login, it sends me to the board index. On other forums that I have used I would be returned to the last place I was. But this forum always sends me back to the board index after logging in.

I have gotten into the habit of selecting what I type in, so in case this happens I can return and paste it in again.

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Re: Constantly logging out

Postby spaelti » Mon May 28, 2012 5:22 pm

Of course since I complained everything has been working fine. So I guess complaining works :)

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Re: Constantly logging out

Postby brynn » Mon May 28, 2012 5:25 pm

Well, that's good news :D

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