Tutorial for tracing anime with Inkscape

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Tutorial for tracing anime with Inkscape

Postby ropedy » Sun Jun 20, 2010 4:21 am

A while I go I wrote this tutorial for vector tracing anime. Basically idea is to clear up some fun/cool screen cap taken from some anime series. Here is an example.

Screen cap: http://kuvaton.com/k/siD.png
Vector: http://kuvaton.com/k/mQc.png

And here is the tutorial: http://sites.google.com/site/jjaaba/main

It was originally written for Inkscape 0.46 so big changes has not happened but since I have improved and learnt to do things better it might have some strange and newbiesh stuff included. I have been quite lazy with updating it but recently I have got something done. I have also done some shorther guides to make up lacks of the tutorial. Since my english is not really strong I had some nice anon to proofread the tutorial though the updates I have made are not proofread. Original version are still available at several places like here: http://vectoringanime.99k.org/Tutorial.htm

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