What tools could be applied to improve Social Network .SVG?

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What tools could be applied to improve Social Network .SVG?

Postby cadu » Tue Mar 27, 2012 2:34 am


Actually, I am not a designer, but a researcher that deals with "social network analysis". The software I use (Visone) provides images of Social Networks in .SVG format.

I consider the image much "plain" and I know that Inkscape could improve a lot .SVG images.

So, I am going to learn Inkscape and I would appreciate tips about what tools/ways could be applied to improve the Network image (maybe field depth, perspective and others I can't imagine...). The image is attached.

With tips my learning will be directioned to the tools I will really use!!!

Many thanks in advance,
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Re: What tools could be applied to improve Social Network .S

Postby brynn » Wed Mar 28, 2012 1:55 am

Hhmmm....well I had to look up "social network analysis" to try and understand the issue. I don't know if the Connector tool might help, or not? I guess I'm not clear if the line segments that connect one network node to another (I learned that term on this page https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_network_analysis) are themselves connected to other segments of larger paths, or if every line is a unique path? If every connecting line is a unique, 2-node path, then I would think the Connector tool would help. But if all the segments form a larger path, I think the Pen tool would be better. And if that's the case, maybe you could use different effects to identify particular paths -- such as dashed/dotted lines, different colors, widths, etc. ....Not sure about this, but possibly pattern along path, if the network is very simple (I"m thinking of the lines having depth, like rope or wire)??

As far as "dressing up" the image, aren't there any industry standards? For example, on the Wikipedia page I referenced, the 2 sample images are really very plain as well. So I don't know if these ideas will be acceptable. But for whatever it's worth :D

Maybe you could put little boxes around the name or text for each node. A lot can be done with a simple rectangle, like scalloped edges, or a dotted/dashed line. Or even more elaborate, such as make a sort of a frame, or a 3D appearance.

I guess it would be hard to do, if the network is very complex. But I can envision a simple one where using shading, highlights and shadow, you could make the network "map" appear in 3d. So that instead of the network nodes being all in one plane, some might appear to be behind or in front of others. Or even partial transparency might be used?

Then there's always a background of some kind. You could either make wallpapers with Inkscape, or find them already made (TONS of wallpapers can be found on the internet for free!) and use them for backgrounds. I guess I'm thinking of a kind of faded looking wallpaper, like partially transparent maybe. I think it might be hard to see the network if the background was bright or dark.

Or maybe you could draw like a fancy frame around the whole thing?

I'm not sure if any of those ideas are really appropriate? If not, maybe someone who knows more about the social network will have a better idea?

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