How do I

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How do I

Postby anon_private » Fri Oct 17, 2014 3:06 pm

1. If I have an image that has some text, when I try to move the image the text stays. How can I move both simultaneously (svg format)?

2. When I use rectange, I seem to be using rectangle with rounded corners. How can I produce normal rectangles, and how can I control the amount of rounding for the rounded corners rectange?

3. I can't seem to copy the image (whole) to the clipboard. If I wanted to copy a section to the clipbard, how would I do this?

OS is Kubuntu
Inscape Version 0 48 4 r9939

a_p says: Don't rely on one board, maximise responses by using a number of them. Block those deemed unhelpful.

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Re: How do I

Postby Lazur » Fri Oct 17, 2014 8:14 pm

  1. To organize objects, you can group them together (Ctrl+G when all the objects are selected) -this case the text with the rest.
  2. Rectangles have corner shape handles, check for the manual:

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