Save button

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Save button

Postby Grobe » Thu Feb 17, 2011 2:50 am


About every time I make a new thread, I find myself hittinh the Save button instead of Submit, when intension obviously was to post the thread. Before I started to use Textarea Cache (extension to Firefox) the habit of me caused me to not being able to recover the text I just wrote after hitting the browser.Back button. I think I can remember at least two times that I actually lost all my text because of this. Just my habit that says, if I encounter a dialog that should not be there, Go back.

I've never had any use of Saving an draft. I Cannot remember I've wrote a post that took so long time that I actually had to save it in mean time.

I suggest changing the button sequense to Submit, Preview, Save.


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Re: Save button

Postby brynn » Fri Feb 18, 2011 6:01 am

If that's possible, I think it would help some members. Although it hasn't affected me, I know I've seen this complaint before.

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