Snap to guide/path intersection

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Snap to guide/path intersection

Postby Grobe » Sat Jan 29, 2011 1:01 am


Is there possible to make cursor snap to intersections between paths and guides?

I know snap to intersection between two guides and two paths work. But path and guide?


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Re: Snap to guide/path intersection

Postby brynn » Sat Jan 29, 2011 2:05 pm

Hi Grobe,
No I don't think so. However, it IS possible to snap to grid intersection, as well as guides intersection. Sometimes if I need to snap to a specific place on a path, I'll use either a grid or guide to place a node (which of course can be removed later, if necessary).

What's your particular situation? Maybe some wise inkscaper will have a clever solution? (ie - object to guide might work?)

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Re: Snap to guide/path intersection

Postby Grobe » Tue Feb 01, 2011 1:01 pm


My particular problem is to draw a ditch (curve like a bath). So I draw one edge and then the other edge.
After that I make a line that represent a perfectly horisontal line (as water would eventually fill up).

But there is not just water, but a heavier fluid on bottom, so it makes two separate fillings with each color (brown in bottom and blue water on top).

Whenever I change the water deept, I have to change the level of goo too. If I start on the left side, it's easy first. I can use node tool to change two separate points from two separate objects (water and goo).

However, when I change the right side, I cannot easilly make the nodes perfectly horisontal to . . .

Got to stop there - I just get an idea of a workaround. If it works, I'll tell more tomorrow

If it doesn't work' I'll still explain, but finnish my question.

[Edit] Workaround just fall out of my head like a rock solid idea. How come that I didn't thaught on that before?

  • Insert the guide on a proper place (In this case: get it to snap to a node)
  • The guide is now in a position where it intersect with a path
  • Move the other nodes* so it snap to the guide. Doesn't have to be close to path/guide intersection. Leave it there, but don't unselect it.
  • Move the nodes closer to the path/guide intersection while pressing Ctrl button.
  • This will make nodes stay on guide, even if it doesn't snap to it. It will snap to path as long as "Snap to paths" is selected.

other nodes* = Nodes that I want to snap on intersection between path and guide.

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Re: Snap to guide/path intersection

Postby brynn » Sun Feb 06, 2011 10:37 am

Workaround just fall out of my head like a rock solid idea. How come that I didn't thaught on that before?

I'm glad you figured it out -- doesn't matter a little later, still your work! Plus, now the topic is here for history -- searchable for users with same problem in the future! Image Nice work!

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