Text appears too high in surrounding rectangle

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Text appears too high in surrounding rectangle

Postby RubenGeert » Tue May 21, 2013 4:07 pm

Dear all,

My problem is basically this: I'd like to center text vertically within a surrounding rectangle. However, when I use the built-in align tool, the text box rather than the text itself gets centered. Please see here for a screen shot.

The phenomenon makes perfect sense: the 'tail' of the y causes the bottom of the text box to be a bit lower than the bottom of most of the text. However, the consequence for me is that I must manually move down all text within the rectangle because it otherwise appears 'too high'.

Is there an efficient way to solve this?

Kind regards,


Posts: 24
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Re: Text appears too high in surrounding rectangle

Postby RubenGeert » Wed May 22, 2013 5:16 pm

Of course, as simple as that! Well, thanks a lot for your help again, it's appreciated!

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Re: Text appears too high in surrounding rectangle

Postby flamingolady » Thu May 23, 2013 9:05 am

Would using Text, Put on Path work? I've not tried going around a corner, but it does work on circles.

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