Basic Inner Stroke/Glow

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Basic Inner Stroke/Glow

Postby mystery » Sat Dec 12, 2009 3:42 pm

I couldn't find a tutorial for this when I needed it so I'm posting my own. (click the image links)

Suppose you have this simple star. ... e/ink0.png

You may add a stroke to the main star to see the effect better. ... e/ink1.png

The first step would be to make a duplicate (or clone, but I haven't worked with those very well)
The duplicate should be on top. Change the stroke color to whatever you want. In this case, a lighter color. ... e/ink2.png

Now, depending on your clip setting (File > Inkscape Preferences > Clippaths), Alt-Shift click the star to select both stars. Then go to Object > Clip > Set. ... e/ink3.png

You should get a result similar to the example. The stroke can be modified in any way using the basic stroke settings after the clipping has been set.
A blur can be applied to simulate an inner glow. ... e/ink4.png

Also, out strokes can be applied by duplicating the original star and lowering the selection to have it appear in the back. ... e/ink5.png

That is all. Seems simple. Demo file included.
star demo.svg
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Joined: Sun May 10, 2009 2:07 am

Re: Basic Inner Stroke/Glow

Postby ~suv » Sat Dec 12, 2009 4:02 pm

mystery wrote:Now, depending on your clip setting (File > Inkscape Preferences > Clippaths)
this might help others to follow the steps of your tutorial: uncheck both settings (they are checked by default):
[ ] When applying, use the topmost selected object as clippath/mask
[ ] Remove clippath/mask object after applying

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