Animation (animated SVG)

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Animation (animated SVG)

Postby Numsgil » Wed Sep 07, 2011 4:16 am

I know Inkscape doesn't support animation presently. I'm working on a project where I'd like to eventually hire an artist to generate animated SVGs, but there doesn't seem to be any tools to do that currently. I'm still a few years off from actually being production ready, but I want to have some sort of idea for how an artist is going to generate the content.

Does anyone know what sort of timeline to expect animation in Inkscape?

Are there any other tools out there to generate animated SVGs that are artist friendly?

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Re: Animation (animated SVG)

Postby Grobe » Wed Sep 07, 2011 11:58 pm


If you go to the official site of Inkscape there is a note and a link to a program that do just what you asking for ;)

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