Full description (and download) on the Inkscape Guide Tools github page. Or use this direct download link.
NOTE: The latest version, release 2, is ONLY compatible with Inkscape 0.91, NOT with Inkscape 0.49.
If you're still using Inkscape 0.49, you need to download an older version: release 1. And re-download the new version of the extension when upgrading to Inkscape 0.91.
The current extensions in this package are:
- Add centered guides
- Add margin guides
- Add grid guides (formerly Grid Maker)
- Remove selected guides
Where to find the extension menu items
Once installed, the extensions will all be available in the menu under Extensions > Guide. Full installation details on the extensions page.
1. Add centered guides to the document
With this extension you can quickly add a horizontal and/or vertical guide through the center of the document.
2. Add margin guides to document
Inkscape already allows you to add guides exactly on the borders of the page, with Edit > Guides around page. With this extension you can add guides at a certain distance (margin) from the borders of the document.
3. Add grid guides
This extension (previously released as Grid Maker) will generate guides in a grid of equal width columns (or rows) with gutters (spacing between columns). Use any unit (pixels, mm, etc).
Example 1: Columns (vertical guides), with gutters, centered on the document
Example 2: Rows (horizontal guides), gutters set to 0, top aligned
This extension was conceived as a tool for grids in designing websites in Inkscape, using pixels. But it now works with other units too (mm, in, etc).
The Add Grid Guides is heavily based on the code from Grid Creator, part of Inkscape core, under Extensions > Render. Many thanks to that extension's maintainer.
4. Remove all guides
Removed, as you can remove all guides with Inkscape 0.91: Edit > Delete all guides.
5. Remove selected guides
Selectively remove all horizontal and/or vertical and/or angled (diagonal) guides. Based on heathenx's extension Remove all guides.
I have made them separate extensions, grouped under the menu item "Guides", for clarity, and to not be overwhelmed with options. With the added benefit of the possibility of giving them a keyboard shortcut (explained in more details on the extension's page) to speed up repetitive work. I do realize that the existing core extension "Grid Creator" is in a different menu (under Extensions > Render), which is a bit unfortunate.
That's it! I hope others will find them as useful as I did.