To put in summary:
- I'm running Windows 8.1 64 bit
- using Inkscape 0.92-1 64 bit (as example; however, it happens the same if deleting completely the 64 bit version and reinstall the 32 bit version; happens the same if installing either the .exe package or the .msi package; happens the same if running Inkscape 0.91 32 bit portable)
- select the text tool, type any garbage
- save the file with a random name
- open the file with either Firefox browser / Opera browser / LibreOffice / Visio => page is blank (no text shown)
- no matter if saving as Inkscape .svg or as plain .svg
- at least Visio (2003 version; not fully trusted when it comes to svg file format) says this (with the file saved as plain .svg):
Code: Select all
Open SVG 1.0 Processing Log
Source: C:\Users\secarica\Desktop\blah.svg
Wed Jul 12 01:22:46 2017 Begin Session
[Information] DataType: Element <svg>
Context: Line 14 ID svg8
Description: Unrecognized attribute type xmlns:dc. Attribute ignored.
[Information] DataType: Element <svg>
Context: Line 14 ID svg8
Description: Unrecognized attribute type xmlns:cc. Attribute ignored.
[Information] DataType: Element <svg>
Context: Line 14 ID svg8
Description: Unrecognized attribute type xmlns:rdf. Attribute ignored.
[Information] DataType: Element <svg>
Context: Line 14 ID svg8
Description: Unrecognized attribute type xmlns:svg. Attribute ignored.
[Information] DataType: N/A
Context: Line 17
Description: Unsupported element type metadata found. Element skipped.
[Information] DataType: N/A
Context: Line 19
Description: Unrecognized element type rdf:RDF found. Element skipped.
[Information] DataType: N/A
Context: Line 20
Description: Unrecognized element type cc:Work found. Element skipped.
[Information] DataType: N/A
Context: Line 20
Description: Unrecognized element type dc:format found. Element skipped.
[Information] DataType: N/A
Context: Line 22
Description: Unrecognized element type dc:type found. Element skipped.
[Information] DataType: N/A
Context: Line 23
Description: Unrecognized element type dc:title found. Element skipped.
[Information] DataType: N/A
Context: Line 34
Description: Unrecognized element type flowRoot found. Element skipped.
[Information] DataType: N/A
Context: Line 39
Description: Unrecognized element type flowRegion found. Element skipped.
[Information] DataType: N/A
Context: Line 40
Description: Unrecognized element type flowPara found. Element skipped.
Wed Jul 12 01:22:47 2017 End Session
A sample garbage text is attached: