[Problem] My text didn't change into a shape that I want

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[Problem] My text didn't change into a shape that I want

Postby z3r0.n0d3 » Tue Feb 26, 2008 7:12 pm


When I write text
for example "watasi" 私
and I want to change it into another fonts family like "gothic-mincho" or other fonts family which japanese fonts

but I didn't get the fonts shape like I wish /
although when I run "Text and Font toolbar" and I choose a font family and it turn into shape I want (in preview), but after I press apply button it didn't change like the preview and
it still shape like a original fonts.

I compile inkscape with its dependencies
I'm using Slackware 12.0

Is there somkething I'm missing?

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Re: [Problem] My text didn't change into a shape that I want

Postby DannyKing » Wed Feb 27, 2008 10:35 am

Silly question, but I have to ask: Did you click apply after changing the font in the preview window? Also, make sure the text is selected when you try to change it.

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Re: [Problem] My text didn't change into a shape that I want

Postby z3r0.n0d3 » Wed Feb 27, 2008 1:53 pm

Yes, I did
I pressed(clicked) the apply button.
but it still didn't change

Please look at these picture

This is I mentioned as original font shape
I'm using "Bitstream Vera Sans" font family

I ran the "text and font" toolbar and change it into "aoyagikouzanfontgyousyo.ttf" font family
(one of japanese font type)


And Pressed/clicked the apply button
and turn like this

And on canvas it still look like this

Is there package or else that I missing

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Re: [Problem] My text didn't change into a shape that I want

Postby DannyKing » Wed Feb 27, 2008 8:49 pm

Strange, sorry I've never used Japanese fonts so I can't help further. Anyone else?

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Re: [Problem] My text didn't change into a shape that I want

Postby microUgly » Wed Feb 27, 2008 9:01 pm

Likewise. Perhaps a developer needs to be approached about language support in Inkscape.

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Re: [Problem] My text didn't change into a shape that I want

Postby Simarilius » Mon Mar 03, 2008 10:58 am

Just a guess but is the font name in japanese too? if so I'm guessing something in the font system cant cope with that.
Is it possible to install it with a different name? (Not even sure how you'd do that)

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