To cut a rectangle

Post questions on how to use or achieve an effect in Inkscape.
Posts: 37
Joined: Mon Nov 12, 2012 11:52 pm

To cut a rectangle

Postby Clipper » Tue Jan 15, 2013 5:07 am

Hi everyone!!! (don't answer: hi Dr. Nick!!! :) )
I'm trying to make a button for an application I'm working on. The size of this button is 60x120 and has rounded borders. Now I need to split the image in 3, each one of 40 px height. What's the best way to do it?
Here is the image of the button:
Thanks for your help.


Posts: 37
Joined: Mon Nov 12, 2012 11:52 pm

Re: To cut a rectangle

Postby Clipper » Tue Jan 15, 2013 5:16 am

I answer myself. Maybe not the best way but I created a rectangle, 60 x 40 px and applied Path/Intersection and I've got it!!!

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