isometric art issue cubes have white lines where connected?

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isometric art issue cubes have white lines where connected?

Postby AstralExistence » Mon May 16, 2011 8:20 am

i think im getting the idea of this iso stuff but i notice that following this tutorial, ... &tb=1&pb=1

im having an issue with the cubes showing lines where there connected. is there a way to draw using shapes and cubes and not get the connecting lines or is the only way around this to draw using the grid.
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Re: isometric art issue cubes have white lines where connect

Postby brynn » Mon May 16, 2011 5:29 pm

That looks like a fun tutorial!
The effect that you're seeing is a bug. I'm pretty sure there's a filter that someone made to help with that (that I think might be called Stitching), but I don't know if it's included in 0.48.1 (because I only still have 0.48). If not, look up artist ivan louette on the Open ClipArt Library: I'm pretty sure he made that filter, but I could be wrong.

If I dreamed it (lol) or you can't find it, a workaround would be to overlap the pieces slightly.

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Re: isometric art issue cubes have white lines where connect

Postby AstralExistence » Wed May 18, 2011 7:13 am

so thats it? its a bug? wow thats a pretty BIG bug. will it be fixed? how do i install a the filter on ubuntu. in laymans terms, where and how do i install stiching?

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Re: isometric art issue cubes have white lines where connect

Postby ~suv » Wed May 18, 2011 8:22 am

AstralExistence wrote:its a bug? wow thats a pretty BIG bug. will it be fixed?
As always, patches are welcome ;) (be aware though that the problem is not specific to Inkscape, but affects many vector-based application with anti-aliased rendering...)

Some of the more recent topics about the same issue describing known workarounds (among them the SVG filter effect 'Stitch together' provided by ivan louette):
AstralExistence wrote:how do i install a the filter on ubuntu. in laymans terms, where and how do i install stiching?
You download the SVG file (stitch.svg) attached in above listed topics, save it into

Code: Select all

and restart Inkscape: the filter effect will be listed in the menu 'Filters > ABCs > Stitch together'.

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