Hola gang,
I'm working on a map for a board wargame and Inkscape has been very fun to learn with. Question - this map is growing to the point where I'm getting various memory-related problems:
* scrolling too quickly causes a heap error
* can't export the whole thing to a PNG because of some malloc error
* overall slow-as-molassesness
* etc etc etc
My Inkscape sensei did me a favor by recommending liberal use of "use", and that's helped quite a bit, but I'm still slowed to a crawl by these issues. FWIW, the file is 1681Kb and has 28 layers (one for each major terrain type on the map, which is 22"x32"). There are some pattern fills in there, and some minor use of 300dpi images where SVG just didn't seem to be able to do the trick (at least for my limited artistic/Inkscape ability). I'm running Vista (yuk) with 2Gb RAM on a HP Pavilion.
Any help? Thanks
Re: Memory?
Unfortunately that is typical of Inkscape. I experience a slowness on much lighter projects than what you are working on. Just be sure to "save" often.
Re: Memory?
I read that a number of optomisation have been included in 0.46. If it becomes too much to handle in 0.45 you might like to try a dev build of 0.46 to see if it's better.