Absolute Positions

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Absolute Positions

Postby Sezunna » Fri Aug 24, 2012 3:02 am


i need to work with some SVG Files. I do have Polygons inside and would like to reshape them. But Inkscape is always adding a transform attribute instead of recalculating the points positions. Is there a way to force Inkscape to NOT use transform and recalculate the positions of the points?

Would be a great pleasure for me, if there is a possibility. If somebody asks why: I need to work with this points later on and do not want to recalculate it myself or start writing functions which do so.


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Re: Absolute Positions

Postby druban » Fri Aug 24, 2012 6:10 am

There is an item in the Inkscape preferences (under behavior/Transforms in my version) that allows you to specify that Inkscape should save path data as optimized (good, recalculates every time) or preserved (not what you want).
Also, your paths may not be in a group, which sort of limits your design but might not be a factor for your project.
also, paths that were in a group but were ungrouped neeed to be moved a little (and moved back) to get their transform attributes to go away - arrow up and down does it.
Does that help at all?
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