Dashes Print Longer

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Dashes Print Longer

Postby jmorrison » Tue Apr 28, 2009 1:46 am

Has anyone else had issues with dashed lines printing longer than they appear on the screen?

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Re: Dashes Print Longer

Postby BenjaminLDD » Wed Apr 29, 2009 11:41 pm

I just tried it and yes, they did seem to print off just a little bit longer. I do not think that I would have noticed if you hadn't mentioned it though.

The only way that I could tell that they were longer was that I used a square then applied a dashed line to the stroke and when I looked at the corners on one of them a line had wrapped around to another side where as on the screen it had not.

I don't really know what to do to fix it besides going in and manually drawing the dashes. For what purpose do you need the dashes to be so exact?
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Re: Dashes Print Longer

Postby jmorrison » Wed Mar 31, 2010 7:08 am

Didn't realize there was a response to this back when I first posted it. I found a workaround. It seems like if there is an object that has an opacity below 100%, the dashed lines will appear longer when printing. For me, it isn't a matter of cm but the lines are appearing up to 3 times as long as intended.

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