inkscape for kids?

General discussions about Inkscape.

inkscape for kids?

Postby xubin » Thu Jan 24, 2008 6:02 am

Hello all,

Inkscape is a great program, but I have one question.

WOuld it be possible to show/switch on a simplified interface for kids (age 7-10)?

WIth bigger buttons, larger 'handles' and perhaps simplified editing of paths etc. On ething that would be great is the possibility to 'paint' vector shapes, like is possible in the Adobe/MM Flash interface.

It would be a great opportunity to introduce the world of vector art to younger kids!

Posts: 122
Joined: Sat Jan 26, 2008 2:58 am
Location: UK

Re: inkscape for kids?

Postby DannyKing » Sat Jan 26, 2008 5:33 pm

I'm sure it would be doable if someone was comfortable enough editing the Inkscape source code and making a new project - but you might want to try out TuxPaint. Works on windows, mac & linux and is aimed at kids. Supports vectors too, apparently!

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