Command Line Interface to Upload to Amazon S3

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Command Line Interface to Upload to Amazon S3

Postby SVGIsBetterThanAI » Fri Sep 16, 2016 11:51 am

I know that there are a few decent CLI tools for Inkscape, but I was wondering if there was an easy to directly upload it to a service like AWS Simple Storage Solution. This would really save me all of time, so I can focus more on designs and development for my website Website Beaver. I started to create a custom script for this, but I kept getting errors that were far too difficult to debug, as I'm certainly not a Bash expert.

The reason why I'd like to upload to S3 is because I think it would be a good way to backup your files while working on them. Additionally, once you are finished, you can now easily upload your final work in a single command. Please let me know if you know a solution for this. If there is one, it must be very obscure, as I've been searching for this for hours!

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Re: Command Line Interface to Upload to Amazon S3

Postby brynn » Fri Sep 16, 2016 12:35 pm

There's no pre-existing interface that I've ever heard of. There might be one for Open ClipArt, but I'm not sure. Plus, you probablly don't want your work to be in public domain.

I don't know anything about using the command line, or about writing scripts. But it seems like you should be able to write your own script that would interface with the Amazon storage. Or maybe Amazon has some options you could use?

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Re: Command Line Interface to Upload to Amazon S3

Postby SVGIsBetterThanAI » Fri Sep 16, 2016 1:13 pm

Amazon has a excellent documentation for using command line, but I'm not sure how to use it with Inkscape. I actually think this would be excellent for the community, as it basically be like Adobe's Creative Cloud integration, but a much better version, since S3 is awesome. Thanks for the reply, brynn

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Re: Command Line Interface to Upload to Amazon S3

Postby v1nce » Fri Sep 16, 2016 9:42 pm

Maybe you could use third party tools to mount your s3 as a windows drive and save on this drive from inkscape

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