Memory usage

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Memory usage

Postby Roanoke » Mon Mar 09, 2009 1:05 pm

For some reason, inkscape's memory usage can spike to 50% on a dual core system. I am using ubuntu 8.10. Is this normal?

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Re: Memory usage

Postby microUgly » Mon Mar 09, 2009 9:42 pm

The number of cores your have in your PC will have no influence on your memory usage. Also, 50% of memory would be strange if you have 8GB of RAM, but awesome if you only have 32MB.

Without more details we can only speculate. But one thing to remember is that RAM exists to use--if software doesn't use it, then there was no point buying it. An application should use RAM effeciently, but it's difficult to know if an application is using "too" much.

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