Triangle in - setting width (solved)

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Triangle in - setting width (solved)

Postby whowell » Wed Sep 23, 2015 1:25 am

I am tying to to do something very basic - make a thick line tapering to nothing
I have looked at several tutorials on youtube and they use a bezier curve and "triangle in" method to make a sort of flourish.

I draw my bezier curve and it creates a thin line very slightly wider at the base slimming to nothing at the tip - so far so good.

But there appears to be no way of thickening the line.
The Fill and Stroke menu shows that the line has a flat color fill but no stroke paint
Under path effects it has a spiro spline and power stroke
Am I missing something?
The video tutorials suggested that I should also have a "pattern along path" effect by default and all I need to do is alter the width properly, but I don't and adding one make no obvious difference (not that I know what I'm doing)

Adding a stroke and giving that width makes the line the same thickness all the way down.

I have just added inkscape to my PC so I'm pretty sure all my options are the defaults

Last edited by whowell on Wed Sep 23, 2015 1:38 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Triangle in - setting width

Postby z3z » Wed Sep 23, 2015 1:33 am

Hi! With the node tool :tool_node: selected, if you look at the 'fat' end of your line, there should be a node that's a pink/purple-ish colour. Click on that and drag it out a bit and your line should fatten up nicely.

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Re: Triangle in - setting width

Postby whowell » Wed Sep 23, 2015 1:37 am

That worked, thank you so much

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Re: Triangle in - setting width (solved)

Postby z3z » Wed Sep 23, 2015 2:00 am

You're welcome. :)

You can also add additional purple nodes if you want to adjust the width of the stroke as it tapers (for instance, if you didn't want it to get thinner until near the end.) Using the node tool again, if you hold down Ctrl then click on the existing purple node, that'll create a new one which you can drag along the line to make it thicker or thinner to suit.

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