Envelope Deformation

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Envelope Deformation

Postby Bayne7096 » Mon Nov 26, 2012 4:32 pm


I currently have a fairly rigid, square text that I am trying to give a slight curvature on the top and the bottom. I want the top to curve down and the bottom up, so I'm shrinking it a bit in the middle. However I'm having a bit of trouble maintaining the squareness of the letters when I do this. It squashes and warps the individual characters when I move the top and bottom lines. Is there anyway to keep the vertical lines in my text, vertical? I would like it to stay professional and not look like a cartoon which is kinda what is happening.

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Re: Envelope Deformation

Postby Bayne7096 » Tue Nov 27, 2012 3:25 pm

Interesting - thanks for the reply. I actually gave your suggestion a shot...before you posted it! :P It worked quite well, much better than what the envelope deformation did. There's always a way! Haven't tried the tweak tool, ever. Will look into it.

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Re: Envelope Deformation

Postby druban » Tue Nov 27, 2012 8:15 pm

~suv has a very nice postin which the differences and advantages of the envelope extension and the envelope path effect are explained. I think it's very relevant to the OP's original question and really has the answer.
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Re: Envelope Deformation

Postby brynn » Wed Nov 28, 2012 4:52 am

So you're suggesting using the Envelope extension on each letter separately? Yes very creative :D

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Re: Envelope Deformation

Postby druban » Wed Nov 28, 2012 7:06 am

Not me! It was `suv's idea... I find neither to be satisfactory. The single letter method still leaves flat bottoms that have to be edited later, and the path effect has rather unpredictable effects.
I unfortunately have a fondness for the lattice deformation path effect that showed up briefly so I've kept a copy of the Inkscape version around that Uwe Scholer compiled with that experimental but discarded feature. It's a little harder to use but does the right thing! As long as you're experimenting why not try the rubber stretch extension?

The big advantage of the path effects is that you can use them on a clone of the original text and then edit the text later. Although it's a little roundabout.
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Re: Envelope Deformation

Postby brynn » Wed Nov 28, 2012 9:47 am

Yes, I understood it was ~suv's idea. Very creative!

Hhm, I'll have to look into the Rubber Stretch extension. I've never used it before, and a quick experiment rendered a long Traceback message. So I'll have to read up on the instructions.

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