Sharpen uneven lines, narrowing them, round edges

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Sharpen uneven lines, narrowing them, round edges

Postby larsjorgen » Wed Mar 11, 2015 2:37 am

Not sure what to ask for - I've been using Inkscape for about 10 minutes, but hopefully someone will be able to help me out. :) And yes, I did google, but it seems like the tools in Inkscape have other names than the ones in Gimp, which I've been using until now, so the sites I read after searching made no sence to me.

This is a part of my picture: Image

It's something of a mess, so I need the lines to be as narrow as possible, clean, all black and with no pixel edges. How do I do that?

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Re: Sharpen uneven lines, narrowing them, round edges

Postby Janne » Wed Mar 11, 2015 2:45 am

Use the pen tool :tool_pen: :) Set the width in the Fill and Stroke dialogue box.

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Re: Sharpen uneven lines, narrowing them, round edges

Postby larsjorgen » Wed Mar 11, 2015 3:03 am

Do you mean drawing the line over again manually? Any way to convert(?) the lines I've got into these pretty darn nice pen tool lines? :)

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Re: Sharpen uneven lines, narrowing them, round edges

Postby Xav » Wed Mar 11, 2015 3:37 am

It sounds like you need a bit of a primer into vector graphics: Inkscape and The Gimp create images in fundamentally different ways, so the sort of tools you find in a bitmap editor (such as The Gimp) either don't apply, or work differently, to those in a vector editor like Inkscape.

I suggest starting with the prequel article from my series of Inkscape tutorials: viewtopic.php?f=6&t=11981

You might also want to read the first two or three tutorials to pick up some of the basics. To convert bitmaps to vectors you can either trace the lines manually (this usually gives the best results, but requires patience), or use the Trace Bitmap dialog. Parts 16-21 of my tutorials cover both approaches.
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