add new nodes (w/node tool) on a snap target?

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add new nodes (w/node tool) on a snap target?

Postby brynn » Tue Dec 06, 2011 12:32 pm

Hi Friends,
Recently I suggested to a member that they could place a new node precisely using snapping, only to find myself learning by mistake :o Again :roll: Because when using the Pen tool, one can click near a snap target, and have the node precisely placed on the snap target (path or grid intersection, e.g.) I had been confused, and thinking that adding a new node with the node tool would behave the same way.

So now I'm wondering if this feature could be added to the snap functionality in Inkscape? Add a new node to an existing path, with the node tool, and snapping engaged, so that snapping causes the new node to be placed on the snap target. Snap targets such as grid, guide, or path intersection, and midpoints of line segments. I'm not sure if any other snap targets would abe applicable? Possibly intersection of path with page border? (which I know is currently not a snap target)

This would be incredibly helpful with node editing. The best technique I know to place a node at the intersection of 2 paths, is to zoom way, way in. But getting the node precisely at the intersection is a crap shoot, even then.

So first, is this something that can be done?
And 2nd, does anyone else think it would be worth submitting a wish list "bug report"?

Thanks for any comments :D

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Re: add new nodes (w/node tool) on a snap target?

Postby philipp » Tue Dec 06, 2011 7:05 pm

I think this would be a very fine feature. In some »other« vector graphic applications this is implemented in the pen tool, where a little »+« or »-« appears next to the pen tool symbol.

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