Inkscape and microstock

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Inkscape and microstock

Postby Lizo4ka » Wed Jul 15, 2009 7:57 pm

Hi! I from Russia and i sorry, because my english no very well... :oops:
I want draw vector for microstock and i read about need format pictures for microstok (right for Abode Illustrator 8), but Illustrator price 600 $, now this money very much for me. :shock:
And i search in russian internet about program for vector draw, but not search... But, now i at last in only blog, about Inkscape approach for draw for microstok! :D I happy, very happy, but want specify by person what know about Inkscape much, absolutely correctly this? Maybe, somebody work from Inkscape for microstok vector?..


Re: Inkscape and microstock

Postby Tony » Sat Oct 10, 2009 10:25 pm

I use corrently Inkscape for generate vector images for Microstock. So there is no problem for that.
Some Microstock as Fotolia accept even directly the .svg format: the problem is that i see is more difficult to sell in this format.
So the generale rule is to use inkscape to draw what you want and then export it in .eps. Inkscape exports in format .eps 8.0 compatible (the one that Microstock wants). The problem are gradients. Use always 100% full opaque color and not trasparency and th check the final resultance of your work i suggest to open directly the .eps you have generate with a normal photo viewer to see the quality and what effect you have eventually lost (so you know what you have ot modify in the original svg).
Good work!

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