OCR-Fonts don't show (under XP)

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OCR-Fonts don't show (under XP)

Postby Guest » Sat Jan 03, 2009 9:45 pm

Hi there, I have a problem with two OCR-Fonts (True Type) under Windows XP. I got these fonts from the CorelDraw-9-CD. They are called 'OCR-A' and 'OCR-B 10 Pitch 10 pt' (both by Bitstream Inc. from 1998 and 99).

Inkscape (0.46, built 1.4.2006) doesn't show the fonts, but Word and Gimp do. I tried to delete and reinstall them, but that didn't work out. I have this problem only with these OCR-fonts, other fonts from the CorelDraw-CD do work. I searched the forum, FAQ and Google but I didn't found anything. Any ideas? I can send you the fonts via email, if someone wants to have a look on them.

Thanks a lot!

Posts: 1
Joined: Sat Jan 03, 2009 9:41 pm

Re: OCR-Fonts don't show (under XP)

Postby coffee » Sat Jan 03, 2009 10:10 pm

Guest wrote:I can send you the fonts via email, if someone wants to have a look on them.

My user name is 'coffee' if someone wants to send me a PM

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