Illustrator/PDFs in Inkscape

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Illustrator/PDFs in Inkscape

Postby sunndrums » Tue Mar 18, 2014 4:52 am

A friend of mine has given me an Illustrator file (and a pdf of the same art). Each file contains a handful of logos. I've imported these files into Inkscape, hoping to break them up into separate logo files of the sizes that I need.

The problem is that Inkscape will only allow me to select the entire image. When I draw a rectangle around a specific image, it does nothing... or occasionally selects a single letter in the logo but NEVER the entire thing.
I've tried Object>Clip to crop pieces off but that doesn't do a thing. Also, it's all one layer so I don't think I'm working in the wrong layer.

I can select pieces of the logos, one at a time or hold down SHIFT and slowly select multiple pieces by clicking one at a time but these logos are fairly complex and if I go piece-by-piece, it sort of dismantles the whole designer's intentions as far as letter spacing, etc.

I feel like there's got to be a simple solution to be able to draw a rectangle around what I want to CUT/COPY and have everything selected but nothing is working at this point.
Any ideas?

Thanks everyone.

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Re: Illustrator/PDFs in Inkscape

Postby ragstian » Tue Mar 18, 2014 4:59 am


Check the status field at the bottom of your Inkscape window to see what is selected.

Press F1 to get into object selection mode.

Try select all CTRL-A and then do ungroup SHIFT-CTRL-G repeatedly until all the groups is broken up.

Good Luck!
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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Re: Illustrator/PDFs in Inkscape

Postby sunndrums » Tue Mar 18, 2014 5:05 am

I could've sworn I tried that :)

Thanks so much. That worked fantastically.

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Re: Illustrator/PDFs in Inkscape

Postby Wil » Sat Mar 22, 2014 10:49 pm

Maybe is this the problem?
The problem will be that the drawing is saved in Illustrator-layers,
inkscape does not recognize the Layers, everything is selected as a group.
You first need ungroup all of them and then edit all parts, also with PDF

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