Page Width Rounding Problem

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Page Width Rounding Problem

Postby jb15 » Wed Feb 29, 2012 10:37 am

I need my page width to be 10.425". But when I type that in, it automatically becomes 10.43. Is there a workaround for this? I really need specific measurements.

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Re: Page Width Rounding Problem

Postby Uktrunie » Fri Mar 02, 2012 10:08 am

Well, I don't really know how to solve this. I tried this:

- Create a rectangle and change its width to 10.425 in.
- Go to document properties and click the "resize page to drawing or selection".

If you look at the document properties, then, yes, the page is 10.43 inches width, but if you look at the XML, you'll see that the rectangle is 938.25 in width (no idea what unit) and the page is also 938.25 in width. So I don't know if the page has the correct width but Inkscape can't show it, or the rectangle can't get the right width (and Inkscape shows 10.425 anyway).

Interesting problem... Just out of curiosity, what kind of project requires such a precession?

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Re: Page Width Rounding Problem

Postby brynn » Fri Mar 02, 2012 10:16 am

I hesitated replying to this because I don't have a definitive answer. I remember another topic, some time ago, when someone needed extra decimal places. I seem to recall it was in a grid, but not sure that's an accurate recollection. Anyway, there was some solution, which I think involved using the XML Editor, but again, I can't remember details. Somehow or another, they were able to tell Inkscape to provide another decimal place. But I surely don't remember how.... :(

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