Can SVG be embeded in a post via wordpress?

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Can SVG be embeded in a post via wordpress?

Postby redalien » Sat Jan 29, 2011 9:44 am


I spent a few hours researching on how to embed images in to a post, but no luck so far.

I found 3 ways that says I could embed it, but for some reason neither is working, <object> <embed> <iframe>.
Not sure if it has to do with the way I uploaded the svg file to my server or why it wouldn't work. It is showing a missing plug in, and the link that is supposed to go to DL the plug-in for my Firefox takes me nowhere.

Any tips would be appreciated directing me towards a solution.
Thank you in advance.

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Re: Can SVG be embeded in a post via wordpress?

Postby ~suv » Sun Jan 30, 2011 1:50 pm

Maybe the recent postings in Tavmjong Bah's Blog | A blog about Inkscape, SVG, and other worldly matters… have some useful tips?

redalien wrote:Not sure if it has to do with the way I uploaded the svg file to my server or why it wouldn't work. It is showing a missing plug in, and the link that is supposed to go to DL the plug-in for my Firefox takes me nowhere.
AFAIU the server has to serve the SVG file with the correct mime-type (image/svg+xml).

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