Applying Multiple Guides to Inkscape

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Applying Multiple Guides to Inkscape

Postby Splitintwo » Tue May 07, 2013 7:17 am

Second question of the day.

Being relatively new to both web development and Inkscape I've only just realized the issues with the grid system I implemented.

The 960 grid system in Inkscape is a document with pre-prepared guides.

inkscape grid system.png
inkscape grid system.png (70.79 KiB) Viewed 4314 times

Because I've only just discovered CSS frameworks, I've now decided i need to try various other grids.

Is there some way to copy and paste multiple guides at once? Or move multiple guides at once?

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Re: Applying Multiple Guides to Inkscape

Postby Lazur » Wed May 08, 2013 12:50 am

If you want to draw guides in a fast way, then you can try the convert to guides option by pressing Shift+G when objects are selected.

Here is a description of the method in a nutshell, to create grids like on your image:
Draw three vertical paths, group them together-or alike,
use the make tiled clone option,
disable clone link,
and press Shift+G when all is selected.

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Re: Applying Multiple Guides to Inkscape

Postby ragstian » Wed May 08, 2013 1:21 am


Unfortunately there are no way (that I can figure out) to select more than one guide at a time.

The guides extension in Extensions - Render - Guides can be programmed to implement the 960 grid system.
Tell us a little about what you want the guides to look like in the "finished product".

Good Luck!
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Re: Applying Multiple Guides to Inkscape

Postby druban » Thu May 09, 2013 2:46 am

Last edited by druban on Wed May 29, 2013 7:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Applying Multiple Guides to Inkscape

Postby Splitintwo » Thu May 09, 2013 7:09 am

The other grids I wanted to test are 960 split into other proportions.

The problem is I made easy unstructured mockups to see if I liked the feel, now I need to convert to proper sizes so I can build them.

Lazur's solution worked really well. 960 comes with inkscape grids you just can't move them and the document size doesn't work well.

I drew lines down using the existing grid then I can paste them into whatever mockup I'm using and use Shift G to create the grid. Cheers all!

(Attached the files jit)
(25.91 KiB) Downloaded 237 times
(16.54 KiB) Downloaded 239 times

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Re: Applying Multiple Guides to Inkscape

Postby samueldellicour » Thu Jul 04, 2013 2:04 am

Another solution would not to move the guides, but to do the opposite: to move all drawn elements, and move the page if necessary (meaning, changing the canvas, using an existing selected rectangle as new canvas).

For your information: I am currently working on making a column grid plugin that could take as input
- number of columns
- column size
- gutter size (spacing between columns)
And then output all the guides automatically. Either left aligned on the document, or centered.
I am using the Guides Creator plugin as a base - it can draw columns guides, but not with gutters.
I'll post my plugin when it's ready.

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Re: Applying Multiple Guides to Inkscape

Postby samueldellicour » Mon Jan 27, 2014 2:38 am

I have made a plugin to create a grid of guides, for making columns and gutters. (The center guides are not added automatically, but they can be generated as a separate grid). Download from the Grid Maker github page. The grid extension is now part of this bundle of extensions: Inkscape Guide Tools - you'll find the description and download link on that page. It includes generating a grid of guides WITH middle guides in the gutters (latest version, compatible with Inkscape 0.91, not compatible with 0.48)

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