Moini wrote:> plugins from "sergstetsuk / inkscape embroidery project" are not working correctly with my inkscape version
- What's wrong with them? (and which Inkscape version are you using? - I'm asking because maybe it's a quick-n-easy thing to fix)
i'm still with inkscape 0.91. tested the plugins with 0.91 on ubuntu 12.04 LTS and 14.04 LTS. shapely has been installed correctly on both systems, on 14.04 the package 1.3.0-1 for python2 and python3. while exporting a simple ungrouped square (naturally converted the square to a path first) the plugin returns
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 42, in <module>
import PyEmb
File "/home/user/.config/inkscape/extensions/", line 11, in <module>
from backports.functools_lru_cache import lru_cache
ImportError: No module named backports.functools_lru_cache
on ubuntu 14.04 LTS and on 12.04 LTS
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 38, in <module>
import shapely.affinity as affinity
ImportError: No module named affinity
Moini wrote:> Performance drops
- Yes, I think that's pretty normal... Maybe you could split the object into parts, then edit only one part, then later connect them?
One thing that can add to the slow-down is when you have ever had the document properties opened in the current Inkscape session, under certain circumstances. Is it better if you avoid that dialog? (or close and reopen Inkscape after having used it)
ok, thanks for the tip, i'm opening document properties in most cases when i start to work. and yes, seems like splitting objects in smaller parts will be the only way to get around this.
Moini wrote:- Nodes that are on top of each other can be merged into a single one, there's a button in the node tool's tool controls bar for it (but I guess you know that, and are looking for a more automated solution?). Which functionality do you use to insert the nodes?
yeah, i am looking for a automated solution because merging the nodes one by one is very time consuming. i've been using the "extensions->modify path->add nodes" function. the nodes added are evenly spaced but also placed on top of existing nodes at some points of the path having several nodes on top of each other.