As in, Export Bitmap.
Are you catching my vibe? I was flying so high on Inkscape there was nothing else.
And low and behold, the contest site would not upload it.
Oh POW BIFF BAMM SLAM, the pain of ultimate rejection, an artists worst nightmare.
Where is the love?
Quick, read the rules again! Uh, ok, they do accept PNG.
Now they said I could hit the max of 2500 by 2500 pixels and I did.
They said I could hit 3MB and I was at 2.9MB.
So what was the problem?
I quickly reduced my drawing to 2499 by 2499 just in case but had no luck uploading.
Tick tick tick tick, the clock was ticking...
Ok what about 3MB vs actual bytes 1096 X 3? I opened the PNG in GIMP and "Save A Copy" to JPG - Ya, a huge step down down down in quality.
The image uploaded at the last moment, but, I got to thinking and I read the fine print.
They were hoping for (deep in the FAQ) a minimum of 96 DPI and well, gulp, my PNG was guess what? You guessed it, 90 DPI.
I am not sure, without looking what the JPG I uploaded is, but it might be the same. And I dare not look, least I faint.
So my drawing sits here open and If I attempt to EXPORT BITMAP I see that "90 DPI" in that dialog box from Inkscape hovering over my Ubuntu desktop.
I bump it up to 96DPI and I am now way over the 2500 x 2500 restriction. AHHH!
It is like the whole world is against me, for all time in every way forever.
Dang, darn that stings.
I dig deeper and there is the document properties. Uh, ya right. Not there.
The room starts to go black, I think I am passing out!
I clumsily grab for anything to cushion my fall.
Ok how about Inkscape preferences in the BITMAP section!?!
Wow, like a BRIGHT ray of hope, they want to know what I prefer? They do, they really do!
Ha! There it is and ya I found it myself! I reset it and...
I am instantly plunged in to total digital hell.
I see the skin in my hands turning blue gray from my blood falling to my feet.
I see my end, I think it is over. If I export to bitmap it still says "90 DPI".
Alas, I am adrift on an ocean of unending sorrow until I find the answer. My heart is broken and I can do no art...
There is virtual blood on the
How is that for a some DRAMA?
A real question, with a little entertainment for the forum...