Using inkscape to draw from the command line?

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Using inkscape to draw from the command line?

Postby daviddoria » Fri May 22, 2009 3:36 am

What I would like to do is draw a bunch of lines between pairs of coordinates (end points of the lines)
I've been doing this:
Open Inkscape, draw a line and set the color, size etc that I want. Then go to "edit -> XML Editor" and copy/paste my coordinates with an "M" in front of them from a text file

Code: Select all

M 110,650 590,350
M 10,50 570,30

This works perfectly - but is there a way to automate it further - ie pass that text file of coordinates to inkscape from the terminal and produce a svg or png without ever opening inkscape? Or is there a better tool for this job?




Re: Using inkscape to draw from the command line?

Postby Guest » Wed Aug 19, 2009 3:00 pm


Have a look at this tool:

It will plot anything - excellent program!

RGDS Ragstian

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