Transparency of objects

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Transparency of objects

Postby Clipper » Sun Dec 23, 2012 8:15 am

Hi everybody,
a few days before, but Merry Christmas for all of you and, of course, many thanks for your patience.
Now, my question. I was playing with Inkscape, trying to reproduce Sony-Ericsson logo according to a tutorial that I've found for Photoshop. More or less, I've finally got something similar, here is the image:
The first circle, the silver one, has some kind of transparency that I don't want. How can I take this off?
Thanks for your help.


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Re: Transparency of objects

Postby shawnhcorey » Sun Dec 23, 2012 11:08 am

Select the object, bring up the Object > Fill and Stoke... dialog (Shift+Ctrl+F) and select the Fill tab. Click on the flat color (to the right of the "X"). The object should now appear in a uniform color.

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Re: Transparency of objects

Postby Clipper » Sun Dec 23, 2012 9:06 pm

Thanks, shawnhcorey, but that's not I want. The object must have a gradient and even if I choose a flat color, the result is the same.

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Re: Transparency of objects

Postby shawnhcorey » Mon Dec 24, 2012 12:51 am

I'm confused. The silver-grey circle in the second image does not have a gradient. I loaded it into GIMP and used the colour picker to verify this, so there is no gradient. It just looks that way because of the adjacent colours. The human eye does tricks like that.

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Re: Transparency of objects

Postby brynn » Mon Dec 24, 2012 2:24 am

I took "silver circle" to mean the large silver one on the bottom of the z-order. But nothing can both have a gradient and not have a gradient. It has to either have one or not (or neither).

Or I should probably qualify that. It could both have and not have a gradient, by duplicating it. Then you would have 2 objects, identical in shape and position, but with different fills.

Maybe you mean that you need to have a gradient, but that it can't have any transparency in the gradient? If that's the case, you can select the gradient stops/handles, one at a time, and then in Fill and Stroke dialog > Fill tab, change the last 2 characters on the right end of the hexcode, from whatever they are, to ff.

If that's not the answer, could you show us the SVG file itself? Then we can see how the image is constructed. It can be hard to say, with a PNG or whatever raster format. :D

Edit -- Or you could use the Dropper as well, to remove the transparency and keep the gradient.

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Re: Transparency of objects

Postby Clipper » Mon Dec 24, 2012 5:01 am

Here is the file...
(7.92 KiB) Downloaded 275 times

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Re: Transparency of objects

Postby hulf2012 » Mon Dec 24, 2012 8:34 am

Aaahhh! You have the silver grey circle (or path) in a different layer.

Just press Ctrl+Shift+L to see your Layers Panel. Now move the "Layer" layer on top of "Layer 1" layer , changue the opacity of the silver/grey path, put a gradient of a strong grey to white in the other node.

Happy Xmas
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Re: Transparency of objects

Postby brynn » Mon Dec 24, 2012 9:57 pm

Oh great, thanks. The SVG will help. You image is built a LOT differently than it appeared to me.

But I'm still not clear about the problem. The larger silver circle, that's behind the smaller green ones, is that the one you need to change? Do you need it to look like it does now, except not have transparency? Or if that's not it, can you explain a little more?

I actually don't quite follow hulf2012's comments.... But if they don't solve your problem, could you clarify a little more what you want?

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Re: Transparency of objects

Postby Inkspots » Tue Dec 25, 2012 5:50 am

Merry Christmas
By default Inkscape creates new gradients with one stop at full opacity, and one at full transparency. You can easily make the transparent color fully opaque by moving the transparency slider all the way to the right ( setting opacity at 255 ) and then change the HSL color value with the color slider, to get the lighter opaque color for your gradient. Check the alpha channel for the basic fill if this happens again when using a flat color, someimes if you've used transparency on an earlier created object the color fill on new objects might be set to the same alpha value.
Adjust Alpha
Gradient_color_opacity.png (38.98 KiB) Viewed 16100 times
Adjust color value
Gradient_color_slider.png (64.37 KiB) Viewed 16100 times

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Re: Transparency of objects

Postby Clipper » Wed Dec 26, 2012 5:47 am

Thanks everyone (and Merry XMas). Here is the Photoshop tutorial: I followed hulf2012 suggestion and finally got what I want. I though the gray circle was on the top, but it wasn't.

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