DevianART problem with thumbnails

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DevianART problem with thumbnails

Postby Lethalman » Mon Aug 17, 2009 4:19 am

I'm new to the forum and I've found this issue I don't know if it's intentional.
Devianart displays thumbnails instead of the full preview image... the thumbnail is created by devianart after processing it so it doesn't get displayed good. :roll:
Isn't there any way to modify the DA tag to render the full preview?

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Re: DevianART problem with thumbnails

Postby ~suv » Mon Aug 17, 2009 5:51 am

I guess it's off-topic here anyway - but is there no option to link to deviantART thumbnails without requiring the flash plugin? What is the benefit of flash to display the preview of an image instead of '<img src="...">'? (I am asking because I have disabled the flash plugin in my browser and only activate it on "special occasions" ;-).

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Re: DevianART problem with thumbnails

Postby Lethalman » Mon Aug 17, 2009 7:13 pm

~suv wrote:I guess it's off-topic here anyway - but is there no option to link to deviantART thumbnails without requiring the flash plugin? What is the benefit of flash to display the preview of an image instead of '<img src="...">'? (I am asking because I have disabled the flash plugin in my browser and only activate it on "special occasions" ;-).

Why off-topic? It's a suggestion to the post tag da. Well, didn't know that was flash. So I'd rectify the suggestion: no flash but raw image, and no thumbnail but full preview. It's all about comfort for sharing drawings.

@~suv: hi I don't annoy you only on launchpad then :lol:

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Re: DevianART problem with thumbnails

Postby microUgly » Thu Aug 20, 2009 10:03 pm

The flash object is provided by DA--it displays the way they've designed it to display.

Hotlinking a full-sized image is frowned upon by DeviantArt ( and generally frowned upon by any host unless the host explicitly states otherwise. So I won't encourage it.

Having said that, nothing physically stops you from using the img tags with the URL to an image on DeviantArt. Although it may not always display.

The DA tag is offered because it's the only way to make use of the flash object, DA provides, on this forum.

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