Are These Possible in Inkscape?

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Are These Possible in Inkscape?

Postby taylor8294 » Sat Aug 15, 2009 9:54 pm

Are Any of These tutorials Possible in Inkscape?
I REALLY hope all of them.
This is the page with the 3 tutorials on.

If they are possible, if you could give an idea of how to do these in inkscape (as detailed as you wish but the more detailed the better) I would, as i'm sure many others would, be SO grateful.
Thank you SO much in advance for all your replys.
Thanks again,

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Re: Are These Possible in Inkscape?

Postby ~suv » Sat Aug 15, 2009 10:56 pm

1) Inkscape ≠ Photoshop, maybe you are looking for GIMP tutorials?
2) How to Create a Cute Green Apple Photo Manipulation - see Gimp? Yes we can! from Chrisdesign blog how to do it with GIMP and Inkscape.
3) Inkscape has many filter and effects that can be applied to bitmaps as well as vector drawing elements - I'll leave it to more experienced Inkscape users to detail what can or cannot be realized in Inkscape without resorting to GIMP or other bitmap/raster image manipulation software.

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Re: Are These Possible in Inkscape?

Postby taylor8294 » Sat Aug 15, 2009 11:37 pm

Hi ~suv, Thank you for the reply.

1 I realise Inkscape ≠ Photoshop but that was why I have posted this topic (to see if maybe anyone knows of a way that this is possible in Inkscape), and I don't use GIMP as much as I do Inkscape so that is why I specified preferably an Inkscape solution. However Note that: if Gimp is used in your solution PLEASE post anyway as every little helps :)

2 Looked at Gimp? Yes we can! and thats good for the apple tutorial, Thanks :D (better if it was possible in just Inkscape but i realise this is impossible with its current limited features - oh well)

3 Thank you ~suv. That's brill. Hope someone out there comes up with a genius solution. --> :ugeek: :o :idea: :mrgreen:
lol. Thank you.

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Re: Are These Possible in Inkscape?

Postby heathenx » Sun Aug 16, 2009 1:16 am

I wouldn't try fighting it. Use Inkscape and Gimp together. Some of those things are easier to do in Inkscape while other things are easier to do in Gimp. I suppose if you arrive at the same destination then who cares how you get there. The good news is that all three tutorials can be done with free software. ;)

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