Help me with my 1st Inkscape Project

Post questions on how to use or achieve an effect in Inkscape.
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Help me with my 1st Inkscape Project

Postby Suhel28 » Mon Oct 24, 2011 5:41 pm

I've been trying to get used with Inkscape I need help with two little things. If I can get help with you masters.

1. I've made a cloud and then got it duplicate, now I need the second cloud to look squashed under load but all I can do is resize it and move it. I need only the top part to get resized (I hope am making sense)
2. I've made a speaker I need to trim off abstractly the lower portion of it (just a little bit) I tried using the eraser but it erases the whole speaker.
3. Are there any AutoShapes in Inkscape? they would make life easier. I've to even draw music notes manually :|

Hope I'm making sense. Please forgive me if it sounds confusing. :|

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Re: Help me with my 1st Inkscape Project

Postby tomh » Mon Oct 24, 2011 10:16 pm

1. I've made a cloud and then got it duplicate, now I need the second cloud to look squashed under load but all I can do is resize it and move it. I need only the top part to get resized (I hope am making sense)
2. I've made a speaker I need to trim off abstractly the lower portion of it (just a little bit) I tried using the eraser but it erases the whole speaker.

It sounds like you need to learn about the node editing options in Inkscape. ... iting-Node

1) Specifically for the cloud editing use :tool_node: or the tweek tool :tool_tweak:. When using the tweek tool, I think you should select the "push path in any direction" mode ( it looks like a curve), increase the width of the tool and drag it to squash the top of the cloud. ... Paths.html

2) For the speaker, you can either use the node tool (:tool_node:) to select the object and delete the nodes from the part you dont want to keep. Alternatively you can create a big rectangle over the parts you do want to keep and use it as a clip-path (select the rectangle and the speaker object then go object->clip->set

3. Are there any AutoShapes in Inkscape? they would make life easier. I've to even draw music notes manually

3)Apart from the ones on the left hand side ( :tool_rectangle: :tool_ellipse: :tool_star: ), No. However there is an online clip-art library that has svg shapes that you can use: (just download the shapes you want and drag+drop or copy them into your document.

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Re: Help me with my 1st Inkscape Project

Postby Suhel28 » Mon Oct 24, 2011 11:49 pm

wow thanks Tom that helped alot :)

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Re: Help me with my 1st Inkscape Project

Postby brynn » Tue Oct 25, 2011 4:16 am

For music notes, you might consider using a font (you should be able to find a free one somewhere on the internet), Character Map (windows), or maybe even Glyphs (Inkscape). You could (one way or another) create a kind of stock of notes, if you use them often. Then you wouldn't have to draw them every time.

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