I 've made a resume in inkscape and have some deign spilling over the edges of e.g the a4 gird lines.
I can not seem to figure out how to use the clip and mask function to clean up the edges?
advice please
many thanks
Clipp & mask
Re: Clipp & mask
Will they open up your work in inkscape or illustrator?
If they won't, with setting the export area to the A4 sized document's borders is enough at the pdf options.
If they will, they would see how you masked/clipped your design.
Anyway, to set clipping, you will have to draw a clipping object, in this case an A4 sized rectangle.
The size indicator is set by default to visual bounding box, so preferably don't use outlines, even if it doesn't matter for the clipping itself.
To clip an object, move the clipping object on top of the to be clipped one, and set clipping.
If you have your work on one layer only, the easiest way to clip everything is to group all design elements together.
That way one clipping will do the job.
If they won't, with setting the export area to the A4 sized document's borders is enough at the pdf options.
If they will, they would see how you masked/clipped your design.
Anyway, to set clipping, you will have to draw a clipping object, in this case an A4 sized rectangle.
The size indicator is set by default to visual bounding box, so preferably don't use outlines, even if it doesn't matter for the clipping itself.
To clip an object, move the clipping object on top of the to be clipped one, and set clipping.
If you have your work on one layer only, the easiest way to clip everything is to group all design elements together.
That way one clipping will do the job.